Quality Advancement Branch

​Quality Advancement Branch

Per federal regulations, the Cabinet must provide an administrative hearing process so citizens adversely affected by an action of the state have an opportunity for actions they disagree with to be reviewed. The Office of the Ombudsman and Administrative Review is a separate agency organized under the Office of the Secretary. The Quality Advancement Branch is responsible for determining whether an issue a citizen wants to appeal can be addressed by the Division of Administrative Hearings. The Quality Advancement Branch oversees this determination process for the following types of appeals:

  • Department for Community Based Services, Protection and Permanency service appeals
  • Department for Community Based Services, CAPTA appeals regarding child abuse and neglect findings
  • Department for Community Based Services, caretaker misconduct appeals
  • Some types of child care appeals
  • Office of Inspector General, KARES rehabilitation review appeals
  • Department for Medicaid Services, waiver appeals and reconsiderations

Each of these appeals is governed by specific regulations and statutes. The Quality Advancement Branch is uniquely separate from the other departments in the Cabinet and is not unduly influenced by the Cabinet or the client. It simply processes appeals in line with the governing regulations and Cabinet policy. We also help clients understand Cabinet actions which sometimes can be complex and confusing, The branch explains reasons behind what may seem to be arbitrary actions.

Additionally, the Quality Advancement Branch completes comprehensive reviews of services provided by other Cabinet departments, pursuant to KRS 194A.030 (1)(a)(1).

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