Employee Child Care Assistance Partnership Program

​​​​​​​HB 499 from the 2022 Regular Session established the Employee Child Care Assistance Partnership (ECCAP) Program. Through ECCAP, the cost of child care is shared by you, your employer, and Kentucky’s Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS). The amount contributed by the Cabinet is based upon your family’s size and income level. This means your child care expense could be significantly reduced.​


An employee whose family meets the eligibility requirements for the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) pursuant to 922 KAR 2:160 shall be referred to that program by the cabinet. An employee cannot participate in both. 


Employees should seek employers willing to participate in the program. The application and more information​ can be found on kynect
More information can also be found on the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce​​, including a FAQ​.

​State Contribution Match Scale

The state match percentage is based on the employee’s household income compared to the State Median Household Income (SMI). The percentage of the match decreases based on how high above the SMI the family’s income rises.

For example: An employer would apply to participate in this program and provide part of an employee’s child care cost to be matched by state funds. If the employee’s child care costs are $1200/month, the employer commits to providing $400/month toward the cost of that employee’s child care. The state would match that contribution of $400/month, leaving the family to contribute $400/month, or 1/3 of the total cost.
The state match to the contribution provided by the employer will be determined using the following scale established by KRS 199.885. A chart can be found on kynect​


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