The Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant (PHHSBG) provides funding to the Kentucky Department for Public Health (DPH) through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to address health problems, prevent diseases and promote health.
PHHSBG funds help address priority state and local health issues and minimize gaps in public health programs with limited or no state funding available.
PHHSBG funding:
- Develops and enhances state and local partnerships
- Provides programmatic expertise through technical assistance and training
- Develops collaborative leadership and coordination to reduce duplication
- Addresses health equity and eliminates health disparities
- Supports local health departments through health coalitions
- Develops sustainable evidence-based interventions
- Improves functions and processes through public health accreditation
PHHSBG legislation requires accountability by evaluating and reporting on program activities and health status indicators each year with assistance from the Block Grant Information System (BGIS). Further, all program objectives and activities must link to the Healthy People 2030 leading health indicators.
For additional information about the PHHSBG or a copy of the current year work plan/application, call (502) 564-7996 ext. 4452 or
email your request/inquiry.
Priority Funding
Priority health issues receiving funding for 2023-24 include the following areas:
Office of Performance Improvement and Accreditation: The state and local health departments in Kentucky have identified strategies to improve their capacity to become accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board. They conduct community assessments, develop state or community health improvement plans, strategic plans and performance management plans.
Goal: Achieve and maintain national public health accreditation and develop and nurture a culture of quality improvement and performance management. HP2030 Objective: Increase the proportion of accredited state public health agencies PHI‑01
Office of Health Equity provides training on health literacy and cultural competency, develops the Kentucky Minority Health Status Report and provides technical assistance to programs, health systems and organizations on ways to improve policies and practices to address health disparities and health equity.
Goal: Promote understanding of root causes of health disparities and improve health equity among racial, ethnic, rural and low-income populations in Kentucky. HP2030 Objective: Enhance the use and capabilities of informatics in public health PHI‑R06
Community Health Action Teams: Local health departments in Kentucky collaborate with hospitals, healthcare professionals, schools, universities and other partners to develop strong community coalitions with their own health outcomes priorities. Funds are awarded through an application process.
Goal: Create and sustain infrastructure for strong community partnerships with an emphasis on environment, systems and policy change, developing and strengthening community-clinical linkages, use of data-prioritized actions and public health and health systems transformation. HP2030 Objective: Increase the number of community organizations that provide prevention services ECBP‑D07
Kentucky Office of Community Health Workers: Kentucky's community health workers are front-line public health workers who connect people to vital resources in their communities and provide health coaching to prevent hospitalizations, increase management of chronic conditions and medications and improve overall health.
Goal: Advocate for and promote community health worker service as the critical link between the communities they serve and the local health system. HP2030 Objective: Increase the number of community organizations that provide prevention services ECBP‑D07
Education and Workforce Development maintains modules, video training and health workforce training to meet the needs of the public health workforce in Kentucky.
Goal: Strengthen the KY-TRAIN infrastructure to assure access to competency-based education, thereby increasing public health workforce capacity. HP2030 Objective: Explore and expand practice-based continuing education for public health professionals PHI‑R01
Health Care Access: The Kentucky Prescription Assistance Program helps qualifying Kentuckians and/or their families locate free or reduced-cost prescription drugs through assistance programs offered by the drug manufacturers, discount drug programs and discount pharmacy programs.
Goal: Ensure uninsured/underinsured Kentuckians have access to needed medical care, dental care and prescription medications. HP2030 Objective: Reduce the proportion of people who can't get medical care when they need it AHS‑04
Kentucky Asthma Management Program develops a strong Kentucky asthma partnership; analyzes and disseminates data on asthma and the burden and cost of avoidable hospitalizations, lost workdays and quality of life; develops tools for training school nurses, childcare providers and health professionals to help children and adults with asthma manage their disease, create healthy homes and reduce disparities.
Goal: Improve the diagnosis and management of asthma to decrease Kentucky's asthma burden. HP2030 Objective: Reduce emergency department visits for people age 5 and older with asthma RD‑03
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Program builds capacity to address COPD in Kentucky, a leading cause of death and disability, coordinates a state-level advisory committee and develops fact sheets and a state strategic plan.
Goal: Develop COPD state infrastructure and increase primary prevention, early recognition and treatment of COPD to reduce hospitalizations. HP2030 Objective: Reduce hospitalizations for COPD RD‑D04
Sexual Assault Prevention and Rape Crisis: DPH contracts with the Department for Community Based Services and rape crisis centers to fulfill this mandatory set-aside PHHSBG funding. Staff from the rape crisis centers implements sexual assault prevention strategies throughout communities and addresses the needs of victims.
Goal: Prevent sexual violence across the state and provide needed supports and services to victims/survivors. HP2030 Objective: Reduce contact sexual violence IVP‑D05
Advisory Committee and Public Hearings
Established by the federal Public Health Services Act, the Advisory Committee makes recommendations regarding development and implementation of the work plan/ application and PHHSBG programs and funding. The Advisory Committee is required to meet at least twice per year. Upcoming meeting dates:
- Oct. 18, 2023
- Feb. 21, 2024
- May 15, 2024
The Advisory Committee also conducts a public hearing for public review and comment on the work plan/application. Hearings are held at the Department for Public Health, 275 East Main Street, Frankfort, KY, 40621. When necessary due to COVID-19, inclement weather or other issues, hearings are held via Zoom.