If you already have a KASPER account and no longer have access, please do not create a new account. Follow the instructions in the Links -
Mandatory KASPER-KOG Account Instructions.
Note: State government employees with @ky.gov email addresses should contact their supervisor/branch manager to add the KASPER app for enrollment.
To obtain a
new KASPER account follow these steps:
Step1: Create a KOG account - KOG Help Desk (502)564-0104, ext. 2:
- Kentucky Online Gateway (KOG) account is the security portal to access all Cabinet for Health and Family Services protected systems (KASPER, kynect, Vitals, Death Registry, etc.). Go to the
Kentucky Online Gateway website and create a citizen or business partner account. Remember your KOG user name (email) and password. Passwords are case sensitive and expire every 90 days. These credentials are required to access KASPER.
- After submitting your KOG information you will receive a KOG account activation email. You must activate your KOG account within four hours of receipt of the activation email.
Step 2: Create your KASPER account application:
- Sign in to your KOG account, click on All Apps and search (by the letter K) for Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting and click the Enroll link to go to the Account Request Onboarding screen. Do not enter any information in the KASPER User Name/Password fields.
- Click on the Request a KASPER Account link at the bottom of the screen and follow the instructions to create your KASPER account application.
Step 3: Submit your KASPER account application:
During the account request process you may choose to either:
- Upload electronic copies of your required support documents and electronically sign your application (Paperless Application Process Video) or
- Mail the hard-copy application, signed Terms of Account Use and required support documents (follow instructions on application form).
Your KASPER account registration is not complete until your application is processed by the Cabinet and you receive a Welcome to KASPER email. If you have not received this email within 14 days of submitting your account request, please contact the KASPER Business Office at (502) 564-7985 or
via email.
Link to Request a New KOG and KASPER Account