KY DCBS Program
Curriculum Development and Delivery RFA
The Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) is seeking qualified Kentucky State Universities and Kentucky Community and Technical College partner(s) to design, develop, and implement the curriculum of a comprehensive training program for new and tenured DCBS staff, funding agency community partners, foster and adoptive parents, kinship caregivers, and eligible private childcare staff working in contracted private agencies responsible for providing wraparound child and family services and supports across the Commonwealth.
KY DCBS Program Curriculum Development and Delivery RFA
Vendor's Conference Q&A
KY DCBS Training Program Evaluation Services
This RFA is being issued by the Commonwealth of Kentucky to procure the services of a qualified vendor to evaluate the training program curriculum development and delivery for the DCBS workforce.
KY DCBS Training Program Evauluation Services RFA
KY DCBS Vendor's Conference Q_A