Office of the Secretary

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Our Mission​​

Our mission is to be a diverse and inclusive organization​ providing programs, services and support that protect and promote the health and well-being of all Kentuckians and their communities.​

Our Vision

A commonwealth where every Kentuckian reaches their full human potential and all communities thrive. 

Our Values

The Pillars of What We Do

  • Equity
  • Health and well-being
  • Structural economic support
  • Resilient individuals and communities
  • Operational excellence

Families First Initiative 

The Kentucky Families First initiative is an extensive program aimed at transforming services for children and youth. It is designed to guarantee that those with significant needs receive timely care and support. By enhancing access to services, building stronger provider networks, and implementing innovative funding strategies, we are reimagining child and youth services to prioritize family-centered care, personalized support, and long-term stability.

Register for the Families First Town Hall  

Members of the public are invited to join CHFS officials at the Administrative Office of the Courts on March 26 for a morning of community discussion and engagement. This town hall is a great opportunity for interested parties to voice their concerns, ask questions, and connect with state leaders. If you are interested in submitting a question or topic idea for the forum, please click this link​.