Family to Family Program

The Kentucky Family to Family program has been named a state affiliation alliance member of the national Parent to Parent programs. We offer valuable parent-to-parent partnerships by matching families with experienced mentor parents who provide emotional support and assistance finding and accessing information and resources. Parent to Parent programs are committed to listening to and learning from families and developing an array of services and supports in response to family-identified needs. This will help us reach a wider audience to find the best support parent-family matches.

​How Can Support Parents Help My Family?

Support parents provide key support to families of individuals with special needs. We offer parents and caregivers the opportunity to connect with another parent or caregiver with a similar situation or special health care need — someone who has been there.

How Can I Become a Support Parent?

To become a support parent, contact program director Sondra Gilbert.

Medical Homes

What is a Medical Home?

A medical home is not a building. It is an approach to providing health care services. A medical home is a partnership between you and your child’s primary doctor. This partnership is respectful of you, your child and the care providers. A medical home ensures better coordination of care between the primary doctor, your specialty care doctors and other care providers. A medical home is a team that provides comprehensive care for your child in a cost-effective manner.

Benefits of a Medical Home

  • Increased patient and family satisfaction
  • Your doctor is knowledgeable and willing to work with you and your child to find all medical and non-medical services needed to reach your child’s maximum potential
  • Honest and respectful information exchange
  • Improved coordination of care
  • Your doctor works with you and your child to develop a care plan when needed
  • Your doctor knows your child’s health history
  • Your doctor listens to your concerns as well as your child’s
  • Respects and honors your culture and traditions
  • Fewer visits to the emergency room

“As special needs parents we don’t have the power to make life fair, but we do have the power to make life joyful.”

Contact Us

​Andrea Halbert
