KASPER - Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​KASPER is a controlled substance prescription monitoring system designed to be a source of information to assist practitioners and pharmacists with providing medical and pharmaceutical patient care using controlled substance medications. KASPER also provides an investigative tool for law enforcement and regulatory agencies to assist with authorized reviews and investigations. KASPER is not intended to prevent patients from receiving needed controlled substance medications.


​Access to the KASPER system is carefully controlled through identity and credential checks and secure web access. Access to KASPER is available to the entities listed below.

  • Practitioners and pharmacists for medical or pharmaceutical treatment of their patient, and for reviewing data on controlled substances administered or dispensed to the birth mother of an infant being treated for neonatal abstinence syndrome or prenatal drug exposure.
  • Law enforcement officers for a bona fide drug-related investigation.
  • Commonwealth's attorneys and assistant commonwealth's attorneys, county attorneys and assistant county attorneys. 
  • Licensure boards for an investigation of a licensee.
  • A Medicaid program for utilization review on a recipient.
  • A grand jury by subpoena.
  • A judge or probation or parole officer administering a drug diversion or probation program.
  • A medical examiner engaged in a death investigation.

Pharmacies and dispensing practitioners are required to report to KASPER within one business day of administering or dispensing a controlled substance in KY as provided for under KRS 218A.202 ​and 902 KAR 55:110.

Pharmacies and other dispensers should report administered or dispensed controlled substance information through the KASPER Data Collection System. Reporting data to KASPER requires establishing and account via the Cabinet single sign-on system, Kentucky Online Gateway, then registering as an uploader in the KASPER Data Collection System. Please refer to KASPER Controlled Substance Reporting Guide  for information on how to register and report data to KASPER.

If you already have a KASPER account and no longer have access, please do not create a new account. Follow the instructions in the Links - Mandatory KASPER-KOG Account Instructions​.

Note: State government employees with @ky.gov email addresses should contact their supervisor/branch manager to add the KASPER app for enrollment.

To obtain a new KASPER account follow these steps:

Step1: Create a KOG account - KOG Help Desk (502)564-0104, ext.​ 2:

  1. Kentucky Online Gateway (KOG) account is the security portal to access all Cabinet for Health and Family Services protected systems (KASPER, kynect, Vitals, Death Registry, etc.). Go to the Kentucky Online Gateway website and create a citizen or business partner account. Remember your KOG user name (email) and password. Passwords are case sensitive and expire every 90 days. These credentials are required to access KASPER.

  2. After submitting your KOG information you will receive a KOG account activation email. You must activate your KOG account within four hours of receipt of the activation email. KOG-FAQ

Step 2: Create your KASPER account application:

  1. Sign in to your KOG account, click on All Apps and search (by the letter K) for Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting and click the Enroll link to go to the Account Request Onboarding screen. Do not enter any information in the KASPER User Name/Password fields.

  2. Click on the Request a KASPER Account link at the bottom of the screen and follow the instructions to create your KASPER account application.

Step 3: Submit your KASPER account application:

During the account request process you may choose to either:

  1. Upload electronic copies of your required support documents and electronically sign your application (Paperless Application Process Video) or

  2. Mail the hard-copy application, signed Terms of Account Use and required support documents (follow instructions on application form).

​Your KASPER account registration is not complete until your application is processed by the Cabinet an​d you receive a Welcome to KASPER email. If you have not received this email within 14 days of submitting your account request, please contact the KASPER Business Office at (502) 564-7985 or via email.

Link to Request a New KOG and KASPER Account

For Kentucky Online Gateway (KOG) support contact the KOG Security Help Desk by phone (502) 564-0104, ext. 2 or email: KOG Help Desk.

For KASPER technical support contact the KASPER Help Desk by phone (502) 564-2703 or email: KASPER Help Desk 

​KASPER prescriber account holders can access their quarterly and annual KASPER Prescriber Report Cards. Please review the KASPER Prescriber Report Card User Guide for more information.

​If a KASPER report contains erroneous controlled substance prescription records, the practitioner or patient should contact the dispenser to verify the information reported. The dispenser can correct information reported in error by referring to the KASPER Record Correction guide. If the dispenser verifies that the information was reported accurately, the dispenser or practitioner should contact the Drug Enforcement and Professional Practices Branch at (502) 564-7985 to investigate the error.


KASPER Trend Reports, Threshold Reports, Tips and Studies (select using the down arrow below)

For KASPER information, training and earlier Quarterly Trend Reports please contact KASPER Program Administrator here​​​​​.

All Documents
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The Controlled Substance Prescribing Council meeting will be on Monday, May 5, 2025 at the CHR Building in Frankfort.​


Controlled Substance Prescribing Council Annual Report 2024​

We are excited to announce that the KASPER Overview Training is now available on CE Central. This online independent study webinar offers 1 CE credit. Access the training here!

KASPER Update and General Overview​

The CDC Prescribing Updates independent study webinar is now available on CE Central. This course offers continuing education (CE) credit, and you can find full credit details on the CE Central website. Access the webinar here.

CDC Prescribing Updates​

​​​For technical issues or support for the use of the KASPER system, contact the KASPER ​​​​​​​Help Desk:

​Phone​: (502) 564-2703

Email: KASPER Help Desk ​

EPCS Mandate

KRS 218A.182 took effect Jan. 1, 2021 and mandates electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS) in Kentucky. A practitioner who is unable to comply with the EPCS mandate may request a waiver by submitting an EPCS Temporary Exemption Request Form /EPCS Form (pdf)   to CHFS. Although initial waivers were due by Nov. 1, 2020, the Cabinet still is accepting Temporary Exemption Forms. Please send forms by mail to Drug Enforcement and Professional Practices Branch at the address shown on the form or by email to KASPER.​


KASPER offers integration with account holders' electronic health record or pharmacy management systems. Integration provides fast, reliable and simplified access to KASPER information within the practitioners' or pharmacists' existing workflow. For additional information about the integration process and requirements, please email the KASPER Integration Team.