To provide the governor, the Cabinet for Health and Family Services and the commonwealth analysis and guidance on administrative and financial management issues to ensure the fiscal integrity and operational continuity of state government regarding the Department for Public Health and the Local Health Departments.
The Division of Administration and Financial Management (AFM) provides resource support to DPH including the Cabinet-level and health department staff. The division provides budget and accounting support, payments, permits and fee collections, grant allocations and payments as well as procurement and contracting support. The division develops and oversees the DPH budget and local health department (LHD) fiscal planning and administrative and management practices. The division provides fiscal support to all 120 county health departments of the commonwealth. The division works in concert with the other DPH divisions to plan, program, execute, manage and report the financial activities of the department and LHDs.
The division also is responsible for providing guidance on the daily operations of the LHDs across the state. This responsibility includes training and staff development, local health personnel management, medical coding, medical records and forms management, reporting of clinical and community-based services, providing security access to the online local health network, regulation and policy interpretation and the local board of heath nomination process.