Local Health Personnel Branch

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ The Local Health Personnel Branch works to ensure employees in local health departments (LHDs) and applicants receive the highest quality human resource services. The branch specifically addresses employment counseling, applicant processing, maintaining and updating selection criteria, creation of job classifications and salary computation.

Programs and Services

​​This branch is responsible for personnel system operations and maintenance for 58 of Kentucky's 61 LHDs.

LHD Personnel Staff

Krista Hamilton - Administrative Branch Manager
(502) 564-1372
Jason Boling - HR Administrator - DPH
(502) 564-5816
Carolyn Bond - HR Administrator - DPH
(502) ​​564-0218
Desiree Gill​ - HR Administrator - DPH
(502) 564-7711
Cameron Horseman​ - HR Administrator - DPH
(502) ​​564-7904​

The merit system for LHDs is administered by the state Department for Public Health and establishes uniform personnel practices for Kentucky LHDs.

The merit system promotes recruitment of qualified individuals for the public health workforce, retains employees with a program of benefits and compensation and protects the rights of employees during their service.

Administrative regulations for various aspects of personnel management and administration are developed under the authority and provisions of Kentucky Revised Statute 211.1755 and apply to 58 of Kentucky’s 61 health departments. Excluded from the regulations are the Louisville-Jefferson County Health Department, the Lexington-Fayette County Health Department and the Northern Kentucky District Health Department which are governed by separate statutory authority and personnel programs.

This website provides information for local health department employees, state offices, potential applicants for employment and the general public regarding the personnel program and policies for local health departments.

Local Health Department Information

LHD Holidays


  • Jan.  20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday
  • Apr. 18​ ​- Good Friday (half day)
  • May 26- Memorial Day
  • July 4 - Independence Day
  • Sept. 1 - Labor Day
  • Nov. 11 - Veterans Day
  • Nov. 27-28 - Thanksgiving
  • Dec. 25-26 - Christmas
  • Jan. 1-2 - New Year's ​Day

LHD Human Resources-Related Websites


Americans With Disabilities
The Family and Medical Leave Act
FMLA Regulations
US Department of Immigration Services
US Department of Labor
US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


Administrative Office of the Courts
Attorney General - Open Records / Open Meetings​,  Open Records Policy  Open Records Request​
KY Department of Labor
KY Employees Health Plan​
KY Public Pension Authority


Kentucky Board of Nursing
National Council of State Boards of Nursing - All state licensure lookup
KY Office of Occupations and Professions, License Boards and Verifications
Nurse Licensure Compact States - National Council of State Boards of Nursing


Flexible Benefits Company
Job Accommodation Network
Kentucky Association of Counties
Kentucky Health Department Association
Kentucky Public Health Association