Boards and Commissions

​​​​​​​Thank you for your interest in serving as an appointee on one of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services boards and commissions. The governor and Cabinet secretary make appointments to boards and commissions. Prospective appointees must provide specified information and possess the skills and knowledge to perform the duties of the boards, commissions, councils or committees to which they are appointed. Some of these requirements may be extensive.

The Cabinet for Health and Family Services administers a variety of advisory and administrative bodies in compliance with state statute. Positions in each of these bodies vary by title and category as do sources of appointment recommendations. Some positions are recommended by a CHFS agency from lists compiled by various organizations and associations named in statute. Some positions are appointed by the secretary of CHFS while others are appointed by the governor.

Information regarding political affiliation, race, gender and geographic location is required to satisfy the specific membership requirements established by the Kentucky General Assembly to ensure equitable and balanced bodies.

If you want to offer your time and talents in service to the commonwealth, please complete the appropriate application. During consideration of your application you may be asked to provide more information.


Download and complete the CHFS Boards and Commissions Application Form. Attach a current resume to the completed application and mail to:

Boards and Commissions
Office of Policy and Budget
Cabinet for Health and Family Services 
Mail Stop 5W-A 
275 E. Main St.
Frankfort, KY 40621

To Apply by Fax

Complete the CHFS Boards and Commissions Application form, include a current resume and fax these materials to (502) 564-2467.

To Apply Online

Complete the online application form. Upon saving your application, you will be prompted to attach a resume. Save your application again after attaching your resume to complete your application.

If you have any questions or problems email program staff for assistance.

Additional Boards and Commissions

The Office of the Governor directly administers additional boards and commissions. Please visit the Governor's Office Boards and Commissions web page for more information on these service opportunities.