Civil Money Penalty Funds

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Affordable Care Act includes provisions relating to the collection and use of CMP monetary penalties imposed by CMS when nursing homes do not meet requirements for long-term care facilities. States may use collected CMP funds in accordance with federal law and policy with the approval of CMS.  

Who Can Apply To Use CMP Funds

Requests to use CMP funds may be made by specific organizations and entities that qualify and are capable of carrying out the intended use, have no conflict-of-interest relationship with the entity that benefits from the intended use, are not recipients of a contract or grant or other payment from federal or state sources for the same use and are not paid by a federal or state source to perform the same function as the CMP use. 

Examples of potential applicants include:

  • Certified nursing homes
  • Consumer advocacy organizations
  • State long-term care ombudsman programs
  • Quality improvement organizations
  • Private contractors
  • Resident or family councils
  • Professional or state nursing home associations
  • Academic or research institutions
  • State, local, or tribal governments
  • Profit, not-for-profit or other types of organizations

What Grants are available?

​​​      Approved CMP Projects 2024​​​​

How to request CMP Funds​​

  1. Complete the CMP Fund Application
  2. Complete the Budget Worksheet
  3. KY CMP Resource Guide
  4. E-mail CMP application

CMP funds must be used to support activities that benefit nursing home residents.

Permitted uses of CMP funds include:

  • Support and protection of residents of a facility that closes either voluntarily or involuntarily or is decertified.
  • Projects that support resident and family councils in assuring quality care in facilities.
  • Projects that support consumer involvement in assuring quality care in facilities.
  • Projects that support facility improvement initiatives.

​Prohibited uses of CMP funds include:

  • Projects for which a conflict of interest exists or the appearance of a conflict of interest exists.
  • Payment to entities to perform functions for which they are already paid by state or federal sources.
  • Payment for capital improvements to a nursing home or to build a nursing home.
  • Payment for nursing home services or supplies that are the responsibility of the nursing home such as laundry, linen, food, heat, staffing costs, etc.
  • Payment of salaries of temporary managers who are actively managing a nursing home.
  • Funding for recruitment or certification training for long-term care ombudsman staff or volunteers or to investigate and work to resolve complaints.

Additional Information

For additional information, please refer to QSO-23-23-NH.pdf