Division of Health Care

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Division of Health Care inspects, monitors, licenses and certifies all health care facilities as defined by KRS 216B.015 (13). The division also investigates complaints against health care facilities, reviews facility plans and develops regulations.

The Division of Health Care has four regional branch offices. All questions and complaints should go through the appropriate regional office. Please see the regional map to determine which branch serves your county.

The division recommends various long-term care facilities for certification to receive Medicaid and Medicare funds through contracts with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The regional offices of the Division of Health Care conduct site visits of all health care facilities in the state to determine compliance with applicable licensing regulations and Medicare/Medicaid certification requirements. Complaints concerning these facilities are investigated by regional office staff.

Inspection of Long-Term Care Facilities are not Announced

All inspections of long-term care facilities performed by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services are unannounced. State law prohibits anyone with knowledge of or conducting long-term care facility inspections from notifying or causing notice to be made to an owner, operator, licensee or representative of a licensee of any scheduled or contemplated inspection.

Reporting a Complaint or Incident

The complaint information  document describes how to report a complaint against a licensed long-term or health care facility.  Facilities can view this information for details on self-reporting an incident occurrence. 

Provider E-mail Addresses Needed

So we can deliver the best customer service, please ensure the Division of Health Care has current, accurate contact information for your facility, including email addresses. Please contact (502) 564-7963 to provide or update this important information.