Harm Reduction Program

​​​​​​​​​​What is Harm Reduction?


Harm reduction is a set of ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with substance use for individuals, their families and communities by meeting people where they are. The practice extends to many services including disease prevention, syringe exchange, safer use practices and linking people to housing, food access, insurance, medical care, substance use treatment and behavioral health services. Harm reduction practices are used by everybody, every day.​​

Harm reduction services are provided at many local health departments in Kentucky as established in Senate Bill 192. Services are available free of cost to any person who uses drugs, regardless of method. These programs are a great resource to obtain harm reduction supplies such as sterile syringes, naloxone, wound care kits and fentanyl test strips. Additionally, these programs provide linkages to critical services and programs, including substance use treatment, HIV and viral hepatitis screening, vaccinations, social and behavioral health services, employment opportunities and other clinical and social programs. For more information about legality, please see KRS 218A.​​

Get more information on...

Overdose Recognition and Response

Fentanyl and Xylazine Test Strips

​Upcoming Harm Reduction Events​

mobile unit

Looking to attend a mobile harm reduction event?
View the calendar

Hosting an event?
Request the mobile u​nit

6 Year Anniversary​

Kentucky Harm Reduc​​​​​tion Summit


Kentucky’s annual Harm Reduction Summit brings together professionals from many different fields to discuss best practices and novel research in fields related to harm reduction. Distinguished presenters include national, state, regional and local authorities on various topics.

The 2024 Kentucky Harm Reduction Summit​​​​​ will be held on June 20, 2024 in Louisville, Kentucky. ​

2024 Kentucky Harm Reduction Summit Participant Registration Form 

Previous Harm Reduction Summit Session Recordings ​

Previous Harm Reduction Summit Endured Materials​ ​

First Responders-Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act Grant

In 2023, the Kentucky Department for Public Health was awarded the First Responders- Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (FR-CARA) grant by The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The goal of the FR-CARA grant in Kentucky is to expand naloxone training and dispensing for first responders throughout rural counties and to increase awareness for ongoing harm reduction activities and personal safety measures for opioid exposures.​​​​

See if your county and profession are eligible: FR-CARA Fact Sheet.pdf

Harm Reduction Expansion Project​​s

In partnership with the Kentucky Opioid Response Effort (KORE), KDPH awards 50 mini grants to Local Health Departments to expand harm reduction efforts such as increasing hours of operation, hiring a peer support specialist or hosting outreach events.

2022 SSP Expansion Project Outcomes

Want to be stay in touch with DPH Harm Reduction? Request to be added to the contact list here.​​

Contact Information