The Kentucky Food Protection Task Force (FPTF) consists of Kentucky regulators, industry members, academics, consumer organizations, and other groups invested in protecting the Commonwealth's food supply. The FPTF aims to increase outreach, response, integration and information sharing amongst food protection partners.
This page provides food protection resources including guidance documents, contact information, training links, and partner portals.
2024-2025 FPTF Goals
- Promote voluntary compliance with food laws and regulations.
- Prevent foodborne illness and contamination.
- Improve local, state and multi-jurisdictional food emergency surveillance, response and post-response systems.
2024-2025 FPTF Objectives
- Hold Food Protection Task Force Meeting 1-2 times per year with a variety of stakeholders including, but not limited to representatives from federal, state, local, industry, academia, national organizations, and consumer groups.
- Share annual update of state food protection activity including number of recalls, foodborne outbreaks and complaints.
- Provide annual update on new and modified state and federal regulations related to food safety and protection.
- Share best practices in food protection and food defense.