​​Breast Cancer Research and Education Trust Fund

​​​​​​The mission of the Breast Cancer Research and Education Trust Fund is to reduce breast cancer incidence and mortality in Kentucky. The Breast Cancer Research and Education Trust Fund offers community grants to support local efforts to reduce the incidence of breast cancer. Efforts target the needs and challenges specific to underserved population groups and geographic regions.

Displaying the Kentucky Breast Cancer Awareness license plate is a great way to raise awareness and show support of regular breast cancer screening and early detection. The Kentucky Breast Cancer Awareness license plate is available from your local county clerk. County clerk offices charge $44 for the license plate with $28 going to the state, $6 going to the county and $10 going to the Breast Cancer Trust Fund. 

Kentuckians can also support the trust fund by using all or a part of their Kentucky state income tax returns.

Community Grant Funding Opportunity

What: The Division of Women’s Health Cancer Screening Program (KWCSP) is excited to announce it is accepting applications for the 2025 Breast Cancer Research and Education Trust Fund Grant Challenge for project period July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025.

Who may apply: Applicants may be non-profit entities, educational institutions and government agencies in Kentucky (e.g., local health departments).

Why: Grant funds must be used to support projects designed to reduce breast cancer disparities among KWCSP-identified populations of focus ​by reducing ​barriers to care, implementing activities and/or funding community health workers who will link women in need to breast cancer screening services.

How to applyBreast Cancer Trust Fund Application and Guidance​

The online survey-format application has four sections:

  1. ​Applicant information
  2. Estimated budget
  3. Population(s) of focus
  4. Five narrative questions

Supporting documentation may be uploaded

When to apply: The application deadline is 11:59 p.m. Central time, Tuesday April 30, 2024

Thank you for considering partnering with the Breast Cancer Trust Fund to reduce breast cancer morbidity and mortality rates in the state.

Applicants are encouraged to visit this site regularly for application amendments, timelines, due dates and responses to frequently asked questions.

There will be 3 Zoom meetings to answer questions about the application process. 

Zoom 1 (April 10, noon Eastern)​

Zoom 2 (April 17, 1 p.m. Eastern)Zoom 3 (April 23, 5 p.m. Eastern)​


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