Perinatal psychosis, or Postpartum Psychosis, is a serious PMH disorder that usually has an onset in the first 2-weeks (but up to a year). Perinatal Psychosis occurs in approximately 1 to 2 out of every 1,000 deliveries, or approximately .1 -.2% of births. Review the information below to learn more about PP and you can find information on Perinatal Psychosis support and resources here.
An active case of Perinatal Psychosis is considered an emergency, and you should reach out to one of the numbers below. It is important to stay with the perinatal individual and the child to ensure everyone’s safety.
Perinatal Psychosis is treatable, and help is available. You do not need a diagnosis to reach out for help.
If you suspect Perinatal Psychosis
Call or text the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline 833-852-6262. Hotline Counselors are available to discuss and explore next steps for you and your loved one. Available 24/7, in the United States only.
In an Emergency
Call or text the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988 (in the United States and Canada only). Emergency Hotlines are available all the time. It is very important that you reach out right now and find the support and information you need to be safe. Call for yourself or someone you care about; available 24/7.
Symptoms of perinatal psychosis can include:
- Delusions or strange beliefs
- Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren’t there)
- Feeling very irritated
- Hyperactivity
- Severe depression or flat affect
- Decreased need for or inability to sleep
- Paranoia and suspiciousness
- Rapid mood swings
- Difficulty communicating at times
The most significant risk factor for perinatal psychosis is a personal or family history of bipolar disorder or a previous psychotic episode.
Immediate treatment for a person going through psychosis is imperative. Individuals experiencing PP are at higher risk of harming themselves or others (including their infant); however, it should be noted that the vast majority do not. This is because the individual experiencing psychosis is experiencing a break from reality. In their psychotic state, the delusions and beliefs make sense to them; delusions feel very real and are often religious. Immediate treatment for someone going through psychosis is imperative.
It is also important to know that many survivors of perinatal psychosis never experienced delusions containing violent commands. Delusions take many forms, and not all of them are destructive. The majority of individuals who experience perinatal psychosis do not harm themselves or anyone else. However, there is always the risk of danger because psychosis includes delusional thinking and irrational judgment, and this is why this illness must be quickly assessed, treated, and carefully monitored by a trained healthcare or perinatal mental health professional.
Perinatal psychosis is temporary and treatable with professional help, but it is an emergency, and it is essential that you receive immediate help. If you feel you or someone you know may be suffering from this illness, know that it is not your fault, and you are not to blame. It is important to stay with the perinatal individual and the child to ensure everyone’s safety. Call your doctor or an emergency crisis hotline right away so that you can get the help you need.
Perinatal Psychosis is treatable but is also considered an emergency. Contact your doctor or an emergency crisis line immediately.
- If you suspect Perinatal Psychosis – Call or text the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline 833-852–6262. Hotline Counselors are available to discuss and explore next steps for you and your loved one. Available 24/7, in the United States only.
- Call or text the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988 (in the United States and Canada only). Emergency Hotlines are available all the time. It is very important that you reach out right now and find the support and information you need to be safe. Call for yourself or someone you care about; available 24/7.
- Intensive Treatment Facilities are available and are listed here.
After the Emergency Treatment:
After emergency treatment, those individuals who have experienced Perinatal Psychosis should be followed by a doctor and therapist to continue treatment, including medication and ongoing therapy.