Nutrition Program for the Elderly

​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Nutrition Program for the Elderly provides one nutritionally balanced home-delivered or congregate dining-style meal per day. Additional services include nutrition screening, education and counseling.


Persons 60 or older and their spouses, regardless of age, are eligible to participate in congregate nutrition services. Home-delivered meals are provided to persons age 60 or older who, due to illness or incapacitating disability, are unable to attend a congregate site and have no one in the home able to prepare a nutritious meal on a regular basis.


The program is offered statewide through the Area Agencies on Aging and Independent Living. Some areas may have waiting lists and not all services are provided in all areas.

Senior Hunger Summit

​The annual Kentucky Senior Hunger Summit brings together a diverse group of experts and community stakeholders to raiser awareness and discuss viable solutions to end senior hunger and food insecurity. ​

Senior Hunger Summit 2024 Video 1 (AM)

Senior Hunger Summit 2024 Video 2 (PM)​