Assistive Technology Field Guide
Provider Matrix Quick Reference Guide
Provider Payment Information
Early intervention services are costly and depend on a variety of funding sources for support. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 requires that Part C be the payer of last resort and Part C funds only be used for early intervention services an eligible child needs but is not currently entitled to under any other source. Kentucky Early Intervention System uses a variety of public and private resources to support early intervention services.
All resources for payment are explored prior to the use of early intervention funds and include:
The Department for Public Health is committed to processing payments as quickly as possible and is obligated to provide payment within 30 days of receipt of an accurate, properly submitted bill. As a business, you are responsible for meeting your operating expenses within this time frame.
902 KAR 30.200 Coverage and Payments for Services
2024-2025 Pay Cycle Calendar
TOTS Insurance Billing System (TIBS)
TIBS is an automated billing service through the TOTS system. TIBS uses provider service log and accounts payable information to bill electronically.
To enroll in TIBS, please
email Kentucky Early Intervention System to request an enrollment form.
After the state lead agency receives the TIBS enrollment form you will be enrolled in a TIBS training module that will give you additional tips on billing and claims submission. Once the TIBS training certificate of completion is received, your enrollment is complete. Email the certificate to
Kentucky Early Intervention System Billing or fax to (502) 564-0329.
Questions about the 1099 tax form?
By law, form 1099s must be mailed by Jan. 30 each year. If you have not received your 1099 tax form or have questions about your form, please contact the Office of the State Controller at (502) 564-7227.
For more information on provider payment or billing, please
email Kentucky Early Intervention System Billing.
First Friday Focus
The First Friday Focus offers quick updates, tips and information about what's going on in Kentucky's Early Intervention System on the first Friday of every month.