Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States and around the world. Every year more than 8,000 Kentuckians die of illnesses caused by smoking.
The Kentucky Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program's mission is to reduce the number of preventable and premature deaths caused by tobacco. We do this by encouraging youth and others not to start using tobacco products and providing Kentuckians free resources to help them quit smoking, vaping and using other tobacco products.
The Kentucky Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program receives funds from the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement. These funds along with a grant from CDC make it possible for Kentucky Department for Public Health staff to provide technical support, training and funding to local health departments working with KDPH to achieve specific goals.
Quitting Smoking, Vaping and Other Tobacco-Use
The Kentucky Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program offers several free resources for Kentuckians who want to quit using tobacco products, including cigarettes, e-cigarettes and vapes, cigars and dip, chew and other forms of smokeless tobacco.
Our most popular service is Quit Now Kentucky, 1-(800) QUIT-NOW. To learn more about Quit Now Kentucky and our other free tools, visit our
page about quitting tobacco [URL].
100 percent Tobacco-Free Schools and Youth Prevention
Achievement and Absenteeism [PDF]
Model Policy 2016 [PDF]
Best Practices for Youth Tobacco Education [PDF]
Request a copy of the 2021 Tobacco Free Schools Toolkit [EMAIL]
Information about E-Cigarettes
Myth vs Reality: E-cigarette Fact Sheet [PDF]
E-cigarettes Shaped Like USB Flash Drives: Info for Parents, Educators, and Health Care Providers [PDF]
BeatYourCravings [PDF] These posters help students manage their nicotine cravings so they can avoid getting in trouble at school.
E=Cigarette Presentation for Adults [PDF]
Kentucky Tobacco Data
Tobacco Use in KY - 2019 [PDF]
Tobacco Use Surveillance Data Pages - 2019 [PDF]
Providing Quitline Services Is a Smart Investment (Return on Investment Fact Sheet) [PDF]
Additional Data Sources
Kentucky Health Facts [URL]
Kentucky Incentives for Prevention (KIP) Survey [URL]
CDC's State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System [URL]
Locate Freedom From Smoking Classes [DOC]