Tobacco-Free Schools

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​100% Tobacco-Free Schools ​

​​Tobacco Free Schools Logo

The 100% Tobacco Free Schools initiative provides support to policies that prohibit all tobacco use, including alternative nicotine and vapor product use: 

  • By all individuals, including students, staff and visitors;
  • A​t all times, including during school-sponsored trips and activities; and 
  • On all school-owned properties, including athletic fields and vehicles. 
100% tobacco-free schools protect students by reinforcing the message that tobacco use is harmful, reducing exposure to secondhand smoke and discouraging tobacco use among youth.  

​​​​Values and Benefits of Tobacco-Free Schools

  • ​​Provide positive role modeling by adult employees and visitors

  • Reduce children’s observation of tobacco use and takes a firm stance against it

  • Support prevention messages delivered in classrooms

  • Provide safe environments for students by reducing their exposure to secondhand smoke and secondhand e-cigarette aerosol

  • Comply with federal legislation prohibiting smoking in school buildings and state legislation prohibiting tobacco-use on school-board-owned properties and at school-sponsored events. ​


​​​Kentucky Regulatory Statute (KRS) 158.149​ [URL] ​requires every Kentucky school district to have a 100% tobacco-free school policy and provide evidence-based tobacco prevention and cessation materials and programming to students. This statute was amended by the state legislature in 2024 through the passing of HB 142.  

To h​elp school districts align their policies with KRS 158.149, the Kentucky Tobacco Prevention & Cessation Program and the Division of Substance Use Disorder, Prevention & Promotion Branch of the Kentucky Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental & Intellectual Disabilities have published a document highlighting relevant recommendations and resources for schools, in consultation with the Kentucky Department for Education. 

This document includes evidence-based resources that are compliant with KRS 158.149 . Key takeaways include:

  • ​Distributing handouts and/or one-time assemblies does not satisfy the requirements of KRS 158.149 requirements as these are not evidence-based when offered alone.
  • ​Out-of-school suspension for tobacco-free policy violations (e.g., vaping on school property) is not recommended. Suspension is permitted under the law, but not required. ​

Evidence-Based Resources for Schools  



Inte​​rvention (alternatives to suspension):​​
