100% Tobacco-Free Schools

The 100% Tobacco Free Schools initiative provides support to policies that prohibit all tobacco use, including alternative nicotine and vapor product use:
- By all individuals, including students, staff and visitors;
- At all times, including during school-sponsored trips and activities; and
- On all school-owned properties, including athletic fields and vehicles.
100% tobacco-free schools protect students by reinforcing the message that tobacco use is harmful, reducing exposure to secondhand smoke and discouraging tobacco use among youth.
Values and Benefits of Tobacco-Free Schools
Provide positive role modeling by adult employees and visitors
Reduce children’s observation of tobacco use and takes a firm stance against it
Support prevention messages delivered in classrooms
Provide safe environments for students by reducing their exposure to secondhand smoke and secondhand e-cigarette aerosol
Comply with federal legislation prohibiting smoking in school buildings and state legislation prohibiting tobacco-use on school-board-owned properties and at school-sponsored events.
Kentucky Regulatory Statute (KRS) 158.149 [URL] requires every Kentucky school district to have a 100% tobacco-free school policy and provide evidence-based tobacco prevention and cessation materials and programming to students. This statute was amended by the state legislature in 2024 through the passing of HB 142.
To help school districts align their policies with KRS 158.149, the Kentucky Tobacco Prevention & Cessation Program and the Division of Substance Use Disorder, Prevention & Promotion Branch of the Kentucky Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental & Intellectual Disabilities have published a document highlighting relevant recommendations and resources for schools, in consultation with the Kentucky Department for Education.
This document includes evidence-based resources that are compliant with KRS 158.149 . Key takeaways include:
- Distributing handouts and/or one-time assemblies does not satisfy the requirements of KRS 158.149 requirements as these are not evidence-based when offered alone.
- Out-of-school suspension for tobacco-free policy violations (e.g., vaping on school property) is not recommended. Suspension is permitted under the law, but not required.
Evidence-Based Resources for Schools
Intervention (alternatives to suspension):