TB Incidence Returning to Pre-Pandemic Levels
Nationally, TB incidence appears to be gradually returning to pre-pandemic levels, but ongoing effects of the pandemic persist. In 2022, reported TB cases and incidence rates (number of TB cases per 100,000 persons) in the United States increased for the second year in a row, but remained lower than levels reported prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Increases are attributed to increase in migration and post-pandemic travel and other illnesses, such as COVID-19 that weaken the immune system that allows LTBI to surface and allows activation of disease.
Annual Confirmed TB Case Statistics
2022 (PDF, 378 KB)
2023 (PDF, 809 KB)
Annual Confirmed and Suspected TB Case Statistics
2022 (PDF, 596 KB)
2023 (PDF, 862 KB)
10-Year TB Case Statistics
2014-2023 (PDF, 1.0 MB)
2020 RVCT and TBLISS Resources