Applications for Health Care and Long-Term Care

​​​​​​​Long Term Care Facilities

Kentucky Administrative Regulations and Revised Statutes
Prior to licensure, long term care facilities must have a certificate of need with the exception of family care homes which do not require a certificate of need.

Assisted Living Community ​

Family Care Home 

Personal Services Agency

PSA License Fees:

  • $500 for initial certification
  • $350 for annual recertification
  • $350 for a change in an ownership interest of more than 25 percent

Health Care Services Agency

Important: Do not submit any quarterly reports unless your facility is:
1. Licensed by OIG and,
2. Operating for at least three months after OIG licensure and,
3. You have received a notice from the office of OIG detailing your quarterly submission schedule. 

Only reports submitted meeting these qualifications will be used by OIG.  Please wait to receive the notice from OIG of your quarterly submission schedule before submitting.

Other ​Health Care Facilities

Kentucky Administrative Regulations for Health Care Facilities

Prior to licensure, many of the facilities listed below must have a certificate of need or fire marshal approval. Please contact our office before submitting your application to determine whether these requirements apply to your facility.

NOTE: Effective Wednesday, April 5, 2023 AODE oversite transitioned to The Department for Behavioral Health  Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities.   The new electronic license applications and renewal information can be found here: To reach them by email: or phone 502-564-4860.

Applications for license to operate health care facilities:

Plan Submittal and Inspection Checklist forms for Healthcare Facility Construction Projects

Plan Submittal - Program Review Fee - Worksheet

Final Inspection Checklist - Hospital Projects

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