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Care Coordinator Program
The intent of the Kentucky HIV/AIDS Care Coordinator Program (KHCCP) is to help provide prompt, consistent, continued quality care and services to HIV-infected individuals and their families. Care coordinators in seven regional sites assess needs and provide services. These regional sites ensure statewide access to local services.
KHCCP also is an umbrella program for other client assistance programs such as the Kentucky Health Insurance Continuation Program, Outpatient Health Care and Support Services KHCCP receives federal funds and is a service-funding source of last resort. Financial assistance is not guaranteed. Funding is limited and services may be terminated without cause. Services in each region may vary depending on funding. Continuation of all programming is contingent upon availability of state and federal funding.
- To optimize client self-care capabilities by supporting self-sufficiency.
- To identify and facilitate coordination between clients' informal support systems (family, friends, care giver, group sponsor, psychotherapist, etc.) and available formal support systems.
- To help clients locate and access system of referrals to medical care, housing, linguistics, Medicaid, Social Security Disability, transportation and legal services.
- To minimize or eliminate duplication of services among formal and informal support systems.
- To provide clients with educational information regarding disease transmission and health maintenance, encourage good health habits and provide secondary prevention through continued case management.
- To identify and document patterns of service needs and advocate for effective policies and resource development.
- To ensure program funds are used efficiently and effectively to meet the needs of persons with HIV through coordinated funding streams and use of existing services.
Care Coordinator Regions and Contact Information
Annual Ryan White Services Application
Kentucky AIDS Drug Assistance Program (KADAP)
This program helps eligible low-income Kentuckians purchase HIV-related, FDA-approved medications. Participants receive formulary medications through mail-order service provided by the Kentucky Clinic Pharmacy in Lexington. For further information call (866) 510-0005
KADAP Formulary
RUKOBIA Prescribing Information
Kentucky Health Insurance Continuation Program (KHICP)
KHICP provides payment to continue health insurance coverage for eligible individuals at risk of losing employee health benefits or private-pay health insurance because of HIV-related disease.
Eligible participation for the Health Insurance Program must:
- Have a Medicare Part D or a prescription rider as part of a health insurance policy. Individual policies must cover HIV positive status.
- Family policies must cover at least two HIV positive family members.
- Part B or Ending the HIV Epidemic funds may be used, if cost effective, to pay premiums through an insurance continuation program if the participant can't afford the costs and meets state income eligibility criteria.
Definition of terms for health insurance
Kentucky Outpatient Health Care and Support Services Program
These programs provide a wide range of community-based medical and non-medical support services, including physical and mental health care, housing, nutrition and transportation services. Eligible priority services are identified during each funding period based on client and care coordinator input, needs assessments, resource inventories, client satisfaction surveys, funding limitations and other factors.
HIV Care Coordinator Program Documents
KHCCP Guidelines Manual
KHCCP Guidelines Manual: Standards of Care
2016 Statewide Coordinated Statement of Need (2021 Kentucky HIV Integrated Prevention and Care Plan)
The overall intent of the services programs is to provide clients with a continuum of care utilizing existing community-based services to the greatest extent possible.