HIV/AIDS Planning and Advisory Council

​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Kentucky HIV/AIDS Planning and Advisory Council (KHPAC) is a 30-member body appointed by the governor to carry out the provisions of KRS 214.640, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention HIV Prevention Community Planning Guidance and the Health Resources and Services Administration Planning Bodies Manual.

KHPAC works in collaboration with the HIV/AIDS Section of the Kentucky Department for Public Health to ensure HIV/AIDS prevention activities, services and policies meet the needs of the people of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

If you have any questi​​ons or want to learn more about KHPAC, please contact Sybil Brandewie​.

Membership Council Representation and Structure

KHPAC consists of the commissioners of the departments for Public Health and Medicaid Services and 28 appointed members who represent HIV/AIDS stakeholders, including people living with HIV/AIDS, high-risk populations, AIDS service providers, HIV/AIDS prevention workers, mental health providers, community-based organizations and friends and family of people living with HIV/AIDS.

Membership Vacancies

KHPAC accepts applications for new membership between November 1st and December 31st. 

To apply please download the Boards and Commissions Application.docx or contact Sybil Brandewie.

KHPAC Meeting Dates

All times Eastern

Governing and Planning Documents

Governing Documents

Planning Document

More information

HIV/AIDS Section Resource Documents
Documents​ regarding HIV prevention and services programs.

HIV/AIDS Prevention Program
Kentucky HIV prevention programs and agencies.

HIV/AIDS Services Program
Linking people with HIV to care and services. 

HIV Hotline
(844) 294-2448

24 Hours
Staffed by healthcare professionals
Free to public

Web Resources Planning and Advising

Additional Information