Primary Care Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Primary Care TAC consists of five primary care providers appointed by the Kentucky Primary Care Association.

​The members of the TAC serve until their successors are appointed. Anyone interested in serving on this TAC should contact the organizations represented.

TAC Members​​​

Technical advisory committee ADA accommodation requests

Members of a technical advisory committee who require special accommodations may email requests to DMS​. Requests should describe the need and requested accommodation. DMS will review the request and determine if the accommodations requested are reasonable. In the event a requested accommodation is deemed not reasonable, DMS will work with the member to identify a reasonable and effective accommodation. Accommodations will be made on a case-by-case basis to address individual member needs.


Notice - The Primary Care TAC will meet Jun. 26, 2025  from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Eastern Time via Zoom.


Join Zoom Meeting

Password: 941477
Phone: (713) 353-0212 or (888) 822-7517
Conference Code: 729573

All TAC meetings are subject to Kentucky Open Records and Kentucky Open Meetings Act statutes KRS 61.800 - 884​.

2025 Meeting Information

Meeting dates are subject to change. All meetings will be held via Zoom using the following access information. 

  • ​Feb. 27, 10 a.m.–noon Eastern Time
  • Jun 26,10 a.m. - noon Eastern Time  
  • Oct. 23, 10 a.m.–noon​ Eastern Time

Prior Meeting Agendas

Meeting Minutes​


Contact Information