The National Background Check Program is a one-stop shop for all required child care background checks. All child care staff must have background checks completed in accordance with 922 KAR 2:280.
DCC no longer accepts paper-based Child Abuse/Neglect Registry (CAN) check requests for child care staff members. The CAN payment and verification application on Kentucky Online Gateway (KOG) allows for the electronic submission, payment and validation of Child Care and Central Registry Check (DCC-374).
The NBCP uses the KARES platform on KOG. If you do not have a KOG account or if you need access to KARES, please email the Division of Child Care Help Desk.
Disqualifying Offenses
People who have disqualifying background check results can not work in child care.
List of offenses
Out of State Background Check Process
The Division of Child Care (DCC) is responsible for requesting all interstate background checks. We hope this added support will benefit your child care program.
DCC will request an interstate background check from state(s) the prospective staff member has resided in the last five years. The background check request will include:
- state sex offender registry
- state child abuse and neglect registry and database
- state criminal registry
DCC will make an eligibility determination within 45 days.
Based on various states requirements, DCC staff will contact the child care provider or prospective staff member if more information is needed.
DCC will upload the determination of eligible or ineligible into KARES and notify the child care provider and prospective staff member via email to check KARES for the status change.
When there is an ineligible determination, DCC will notify the prospective staff member of the results of the background check including information related to each disqualifying crime, and information on the opportunity to appeal the ineligible determination.
If you have questions regarding background checks, please
email for assistance.
Additional Background Check Information
“Provisional” status has been removed from KARES. The new status, “Under Supervision”, shall be chosen for the current or prospective staff member undergoing an active appeal process for the following:
- child abuse or neglect substantiation
- current or prospective staff members rehabilitative review is in process
The Legal Guardian of a prospective staff member under the age of 18 is required to fill out the “Parental Consent Form” attached. Then, the child care provider will upload that document into the KARES application.